Frontline Top Spot is a full proof topical treatment for controlling and preventing fleas, American dog ticks, brown dog ticks, lone star ticks, deer ticks, and biting lice in 8 weeks and older puppies and dogs. It kills fleas within 24 hours and remains effective for four continuous weeks. Frontline Spot-on is a waterproof treatment and is safe to use for on breeding, pregnant, and nursing dogs.
Manufactured by Merial, Frontline Top Spot for Dogs is a monthly spot-on treatment for combating fleas, ticks and biting lice. It is an affordable treatment that kills 100% fleas and ticks within 24 hours, and prevents reinfestations by killing newly emerged adult fleas before they lay eggs.
Its active ingredient, Fipronil, has adulticidal properties and kills adult fleas and ticks by paralyzing their nervous system. The fast and active action of the ingredient makes Frontline Top Spot an effective flea and tick treatment for dogs.
Please note that as Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer’s name may differ on the product packs according to the stock availability.
One of the best topical solutions I have used so far